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Silicon Circuits to Save Electricity


Silicon Circuit Reduce Electric Consumption Cost

Silicon Circuits to Save Electricity
Silicon Circuits to Save Electricity
Silicon is ranked eighth among the most abundant elements on earth. It is found in nature in very small quantities of pure state. The silicone is basically hidden in the sand. And the planets are in the form of silicon oxide or silicate. About 1 percent of the earth's crust is made up of silicate compounds. In 7, scientist Anthony Lavoisie identified the first silicon. In 1228, scientist Bargelius Maul achieved the invention of silicon. And this time, Indian scientists are showing the direction of creating a silicon circuit with the help of electricity. According to this Bengali scientist named Aion Karmakar, if silicon is used to produce high-quality radio-wave circuits, the power consumption will be significantly reduced. His research has already been published in a research-related journal.
According to researchers, now everyone is seeking the circuit itself. Because if the circuit is small, the size of the device will also be smaller. It will also cost less to operate the machine. This will save electricity. Ayan Karmakar joined the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) in the 21st. Currently working in the Advanced Micro and Nano Systems division of 'Semi-Conductor Laboratory' in Chandigarh. Micro-electronics research is carried out in this laboratory under the Central Space Office, ISRO.

Aayan said small circuits are now used in communication technology. The circuits of the 'Large Scale Integration' and 'Ultra Large Scale Integration' technologies use silicon. But scientists are studying whether silicon-made circuits can be used for communication through radio frequency or microwave technology.

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